Bob Dylan makes us look at ourselves
If you listen to only one Bob Dylan album, listen to his latest
We’re loving life these days—for proof, just look at the obituaries
Obituaries mourn death and celebrate life. Write them with pride.
Four ways to make yourself smarter by managing the information avalanche
How do you get your news? ___ Cable or broadcast[...]
Inspirations from the author of the best book I ever read
Sometimes you sit down to write and it’s wrong. It’s[...]
A Talking Heads Tribute Isn’t The Best Album Of 2024, But It Is My Favorite
How a 40-year-old movie is still making sense My favorite[...]
A sickening, but sadly fitting, way to end a football game
From sports to politics, we celebrate hate I sat down[...]
How a newspaper’s non-endorsement hurts all of us
When two major newspapers decided not to endorse a presidential[...]
Road Rage? It’s More Like Everywhere Rage
What speeding says about our angry mood, and a hint[...]
What Do You Say to A COVID Denier? Nothing
For a nurse treating a COVID denier, there's only one thing to do--be an example.
7 Ways Mary Poppins Can Help Us Through the Pandemic
Mary Poppins offers lessons for thriving through the pandemic with a spoonful of sugar
4 Ways to Love the New Normal of Going Out to a Restaurant
Going out to a restaurant safely during the virus pandemic calls for a new way of thinking
6 steps to more civil social gatherings AND making the world a better place—lessons from the restaurant
A successful restaurant’s business model offers tips for a more civil society
Louisville’s extraordinary steps for the environment
Louisville mayoral candidate forum will focus exclusively on renewable energy
The party song that seriously opened my musical mind
The song that launched my musical journey
Relationships, not facts, are what persuade people
Arguing facts doesn’t resolve an argument, but a personal relationship just might
Compassion in business set to music—a playlist for the book “Small Business, Big Heart”
A book about compassion in a restaurant needs a playlist—here’s Small Business, Big Heart set to music